
The first wave of panic

I'm reading Ch1 of Intro to Sociolinguistics. I'm trying to take notes. I'm trying to focus. I'm trying NOT to think about the other two chapters I have to read or the fact that I might have messed up my work schedule. I get to this sentence...
"Whereas the Chomskyan framekwork focuses on structures that could be generated in language and by what means, the social approach tries to account for what can be said in a language, by whom, to whom, in whose presence, when and where, in what manner and under what social circumstances."

I had to read that a couple of times to get it through my head. deep breathing. and focus.


Conversation with a Robot

LivePerson...... Hm. Maybe

cedrick: Hello, may I assist you with an inquiry regarding your eDiets plan?

L: I have a question about billingcedrick: yesL: Is there an option that does not involve the money being directly taken out of my account every month?

cedrick: You can pay by mail with a check or a money order; on the payment page you will see “Mail Orders”, this is located just below the credit card company symbols. Click here to print the appropriate information you will need to submit with your check or money order… $3.99 per week x’s 4 weeks = $15.96 per month x’s 3 months is a total amount of $47.88

L: so I have to pay $47.88 up front for the first three months. Then am I billed afterwards?

cedrick: uh

cedrick: no

L: so, then... what?

cedrick: $47.88 for the 3 months and then the account expires unless you pay for an additional 3 months...

L: so basically, every three months I have to remember to pay for it, else it expires. OR I can have it deducted from my account

cedrick: yes

cedrick: : )

L: Hm. Ok. I'm not sure I like that. But it answers my question. Can I ask you one that isn't related?

cedrick: sure

L: How does one know you're actually a real person?

L: and I suppose the second part of that is, how many conversations are you currently juggling?

cedrick: 4

cedrick: yes I am real

L: Right, but for the sake of argument, wouldn't a non real, or rather, a robot say the same thing?

cedrick: lol

cedrick: I guess your right...

cedrick: maybe I'm not real

L: Ah sorry, I'm just amused. Good for you, 4 at once. Liveperson.com is an interesting website, though doesn't say much about where their "live" people come from

L: Maybe not. on the internet nothing is real, no?

cedrick: maybe...

cedrick: we also have nutrition support on live chat if you'd like to take a chance

L: oh for the e-diets bit? Hm. Well I think that'd be a lot of me "yelling" at a suposed "real" person about my frustrations. but good to know.

L: Thanks for steering that conversation back to its original intention. good luck

cedrick: thank you, have a good day and thanks for your patients with me..

L: you are real. sp: patience. bye!

L: sorry no offence - just saying.

cedrick: : )


185 jokes

I've been telling 185 jokes for the last few days. The 185 joke formula: 185 (plural noun) walk into a bar; they ask the bartender for a drink, bartender says sorry we donÂ’t serve your kind here, and the (plural noun) say why not, and the bartender responds (insert punch line). Players have the freedom to alter the formula however theyÂ’d like so long as they keep the joke revolving around the suggestion.

My students seem to be conversely happy and annoyed by the jokes. They are supposed to be groaner jokes, and therefore they are successful when the students complain


Thou Ruttish Toad-Spotted Jointhead!

As taken from a Shakespearean insults page. I feel obliged to pass on the weath of knowledge. More to come, but the question is this: Do I remove my MySpace page? or Do I not? That is the question.


Optical Intercourse.

I just read this crazy article

And I just wanted to say that I'm really glad that I'm not getting busted for making eye babies


For the Glory of the Blue and White

Dear fellow Alumnae of Immaculate Heart,

As many of you may already know, issues of women's reproductive rights have taken center stage in our national debate. Recent legislation in South Dakota outlawed abortions with no exceptions made for victims of rape and/or incest; Missouri has cut funding for contraception, and more states are considering similar legislation that further limit women's choices. As a woman, I am deeply concerned about the direction this country is taking in regard to the role of women in our society.

As an Immaculate Heart alumna, I feel that it is imperative that these issues-- including abortion, birth control, sex education and women's reproductive rights in general, be comprehensively addressed at our school. In order to continue to foster the intellectual, spiritual, moral and social development of young women, the administration has a responsibility to provide honest, medically accurate sex education that teaches both abstinence and information about contraception, to promote consistent dialogue on how to make decisions for their bodies and spirits with utmost care and respect, and to be compassionate towards the choices of others.

It is our duty, as alumnae, to speak up on behalf of the students-- our sisters-- as we would for ourselves, and the administration needs to hear your voice now. I am collecting testimonials to be brought to the administration—they need to know how Immaculate Heart's sex education program did/did not prepare you for your life during and/or beyond high school, and what can be done to better address their current students' needs.

Please feel free to forward this letter to any and all alumnae of Immaculate Heart. There are tips and instructions at the end of this letter on how to start writing, and I am happy to take any questions/comments at laura.miwha.young@gmail.com .

The more young women know about the joys as well as the risks of sexual behavior, when they act out of confidence and understanding and not out of fear or uncertainty, the better prepared they will be to lead lives of great heart and right conscience.

Take good care,

Laura M. Young '98


Writing a Testimonial

- Personal stories will resonate the most with the administration. Be honest and speak from the heart.

- Keep it constructive. It is important for the administration to hear your story, but equally as important for you to offer suggestions on how they can improve their approach.

- You can attach your name and year to the testimonial, but it is not necessary. Should you wish to submit anonymously, let me know and I will keep your name and contact information private.

- Length: 600 words, or one page is recommended, but make it as long or short as you wish.

Remember, you are the experts— you all attended Immaculate Heart, and are the ones best qualified to talk about how the programs there affected you. If there is any story the administration wants to hear, it is yours.

Again, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at laura.miwha.young@gmail.com .


Love is....

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it does not brood over injury. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. -1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is:

"The single most mysterious thing out there,
Something we all need to work on and I am no exception,
The one thing that has caused more pain than all other things,
Impossible to recognize sometimes until it's too late,
Hard to find and hard to keep,
the most beautiful idea imaginable,
found and kept by too few,
a word that rhymes with shove,
when you are with someone and nothing else matters and there is noone you would rather be with and nothing you would rather do,
when someone does something so wonderful for you that it makes you cry,
when someone does something so wonderful for someone else that it makes you cry,
getting everything you need just by giving,
one of the ingredients in Haagen Dazs' Dulce de Leche (it's gotta be!),
often found in old handwritten cookbooks,
the feeling a parent gets when they hold their child for the first time (and hopefully everytime afterwards),
what makes music so wonderful,
the magic ingredient that makes emotions exquisitely beautiful and or painful,
often mistaken for lust,
something that can bring religious references out of someone who is not religious (wait! maybe that's lust . . . I rest my case),
pretty darn cool,
not achieved by going to work so why ...am I going to work in 8 hours?
found more easily when drinking beer but is lost much easier accordingly,
when someone farts and the person next to them doesn't make any mention of the incident (elevators are usually full of love by this criteria),
...impossible to convince someone of without their having found it on their own . . . damnit . . . seriously . . . could we change that please? ("Hey! you should love me!" "OK!")
not to be fooled with so I take that previous idea back,
one of the few things that really matters,
...complicated - really. . . nothing compares to the amount of joy and pain love can bring and or take away from you; I have known both and prefer the joy.
a great idea I would have totally patented that one!
The biggest reason art exists and though no work of art will ever capture it completely it resides perfectly in each and every attempt
something that my grandpa could have written the book on and if the book was already written he has at least contributed one of the truest chapters.
REALLY REALLY scary for the first time in my life and that means I am all grown up. I always wondered how I would know . . .
Lots of other stuff too but I would LOVE to be in bed right now so . . . goodnight." ~thorin brentmar

"I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles
In our eyes are mirror images and when
We kiss they're perfectly aligned
And I have to speculate that God himself
Did make us into corresponding shapes like
Puzzle pieces from the clay
True, it may seem like a stretch, but
Its thoughts like this that catch my troubled
Head when you're away when I am missing you to death
When you are out there on the road for
Several weeks of shows and when you scan
The radio, I hope this song will guide you home
I tried my best to leave this all on your
Machine but the persistent beat it sounded
Thin upon listening
That frankly will not fly. you will hear
The shrillest highs and lowest lows with
The windows down when this is guiding you home" ~Postal Service "Such Great Heights"

Love is expressed in different ways. Happy Valentine's Day.


My eMail Broke Up With Me

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at members.redshift.com.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.