
Lack of sleep makes Molzee a dull kiddo...

I'm house sitting. Some of you have heard about this experience. The house is gargantuan, but entertaining and the people who are letting me stay here for free and kind and gentle souls. While they are away doing, whatever one does on vacation when they have a house this big, I am left to field of problems. One of the lights in the bathroom exploded (died) and I thought I was being shot at. I realized it was not an intruder, but instead just the light blowing up. When I find a tall person, I'll get them to figure out what sort of light needs to be replaced. The bird, is an interesting experience as well. The bird does not like me. At all. So I whistle at him whenever he chirps coldly at me.

But back to the important piece of information... the lights. Their lights are set with special settings. Apparently when these settings go haywire, the lights turn themselves on and off at random. Thereby waking me up at odd hours of the night. The first night it happened, I was really confused. I couldn't figure out what was going on. After three nights of insanity, I've had it. Last night I spoke to the son of the family and he told me what to do to reset the settings, and promised it wouldn't happen again. Weirdly enough, lights that I can't reset started turning on and off. The light re-setting didn't work either because starting at 6am, there overhead lights were on and off and on and off multiple times. I tried to fix them, turn them off, and cover my head, but nothing worked because they make a horrible clicking sound when they go on or off, and that wakes me up more than the visual disturbance.

I'm about up to *here* with the lights. I just can't handle it. I may go postal if I have to sleep there one more night. I'm having a meeting with the two other house occupants tomorrow night. We'll see what happens.

Over and Out


Big Ups

It's blog-tastic. I've joined the masses and got myself a blog. Blogs scare me because they are like journals. I have been severely afraid of journals since I left 4th grade, and my life turned into a book that I don't want everyone reading. My mother instructed me to "never write something that you don't want everyone to read!" I'm doing hold onto that.

Big Ups is from the movie "The First 20 Million is the Hardest" Wow. Can I just say, this is the best movie I've seen in a long time. Computer Nerds Unite. My uncle showed it to me, and I'm about to purchase the DVD. I liked it that much, and now I can say "Big Ups!" Just like the movie. Currently, I am in Los Angeles, working, but I have developed a weird cold that has led to laryngitis. So I'm sort of scratchy. Actually I sound like a frog/horse. Interesting thought eh?

I saw "Chronicles of Riddick" Which was surprisingly good. Then I chilled in the Ramada Inn bar on Vermont. High class for sure... This underground bar is tiny, dark and has a hint of skeezy. Met a nice couple from York, England. Why is everything around me related to the UK!?

I'm reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss. I'm trying to make sure that I do not disrespect punctuation by messing up my apostrophes.

Hope I succeeded

Over 'n out.